Tuesday, June 26, 2012

EP Thoughts: 26/06/12

This morning I have very briefly looked over some of the psychological research on Psycnet and decided on a few provisional subject titles/headings/aspects etc...

  • What is it to be an only child? Why do some families decide to only have one child?
  • What are the proposed personality differences? – academia, locus of control, social responsibility
  • Are only children more selfish?
  • Are only children more likely to have social problems later in life?
  • Are there gender differences amongst only child differences?
  • Psychological research – other external factors that may have altered results
  • Personal research and conclusions- surveys and in depth interviews with close friends
Of course these are not the decided titles, I just thought it would be a good idea to start thinking about these now so I can get writing as soon as possible!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

EP Thoughts: 13/06/12

I have been thinking about my topic for EP, and have decided that my dissertation will be far more informative and detailed if I reduce my topic focus to just "Only Child syndrome", rather than tackling both this and sibling rivalry. I also think there are far more resources available for me to access regarding the only child syndrome alone.

Concerning this change, I think I will now have to update various paperwork including my VTT and PPR.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

EP Update: 12/06/12

I have just amended my EP timetable to suit the later deadline. I have also completed my
project review, which assesses the work I have carried out regarding my dissertation so far.

(Click on the links above to view these documents)

Monday, June 11, 2012

EP Research: 11/06/12

I have been using the Cambridgeshire County Council's online library catalogue (https://ibistro.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/uhtbin/webcat) and found a book available for rental which will be of good use to me.


I have been making use of Google Scholar and have come across another potential book of interest Only Child Experience and Adulthood by Dr Bernice Sorensen.

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I have also registered to PsycNET website; an online collaboration of Psychological and Sociological research findings. This will be highly useful in helping me to support my own statements with research but also including comparative studies which may potentially go against my own opinions.

However, a limitation I would suggest of this website is that it is founded by the APA (American Psychological Association) and so findings may not be applicable world wide. This issue can be further discussed in my dissertation!

EP Thoughts: 11/06/12

After a very long break due to exams and other pressures, I have come to the conclusion that it would be best to change my extended project deadline to October. This will give me more time to plan and gain resources for my dissertation, hopefully improving the overall outcome.